Ruth Fazal
Ruth Fazal as Worship Leader
As a worship leader and singer/songwriter with over twenty CDs, Ruth has travelled extensively across North America, Europe, and Israel. Her deepest desire is to see the body of Christ enter into a truly intimate relationship with Jesus. Ruth honours and loves the prophetic, and feels an urgency in this hour, for us to be awakened to the purposes of God. Ruth says: “Listening for His voice is the most important thing for us to be doing. I believe that there is a realm that the Lord wants to bring us into, in which we will begin to see with a ‘Kingdom of God’ perspective. I feel sure that it is on God’s heart to bring us there, and in that place, for us to come to a greater understanding of who He is, and of who we are in Him. It is time for the Church to be functioning as real citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. This is what I am giving my heart to! I want to learn how to live that way”
Ruth Fazal as Violinist
Born in England, Ruth Fazal began her musical studies on the piano and the violin, attending Dartington College for the Arts, before going on to graduate from the Guildhall School of Music in London. Further studies on the violin took Ruth to Paris, France. Since emigrating to Canada, and living in Toronto, Ruth has performed with all of the major orchestras in the city, as well as being actively involved in many chamber music ensembles. Ruth is currently concertmaster of four different orchestras in the Toronto area, and thoroughly enjoys her musical life in the city. Ruth also uses her skills on the violin to create a place for people to enter in to the presence of God. The ‘Songs from the River’ series are ever popular, finding their way not only into people’s homes, but also into prayer rooms, healing rooms, doctors offices and therapeutic massage clinics and spas. This soothing instrumental music touches the hearts of all those who listen.
Ruth Fazal as Composer
In recent years, Ruth has begun to express what she feels is on God’s heart through various compositions for orchestra and choirs. The Seven Last Words of Christ (2001) for orchestra, spoken voice, and violin solo was the first of these new compositions,– a meditation through music, using the final statements that Jesus spoke from the Cross. This was followed by the much acclaimed Oratorio Terezin (2003) This is a composition for choirs, soloists and symphony orchestra. Using the poetry of children from the Holocaust, woven together with the Hebrew scriptures, Oratorio Terezin has brought much hope and comfort to audiences in Canada, Europe, Israel and USA. It was chosen to be the main cultural event in Tel Aviv on Holocaust Memorial Day in 2005. The US debut of Oratorio Terezin was at Carnegie Hall, in New York City in February, 2007.Ruth’s most recent composition –Awakening, is a work for symphony orchestra and choirs which invites us to engage our imaginations as we hear the sound of a distant trumpet, awakening us to the urgency of the hour in which we live. The Trumpeter calls us to come away with Him, and through the music we are then ushered into an entirely new realm until finally, in the place of worship, we become aware of the sound of all creation groaning. In the midst of this groaning, God’s voice sings out: “Comfort My people! Speak tenderly to Jerusalem”