Barbara Yoder
Barbara J. Yoder is the founding apostle and senior pastor of Shekinah Regional Equipping and Revival Center, a racially and culturally diverse church in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She serves on several boards of ministry nationally. Barbara leads Breakthrough Apostolic Ministries Network (BAMN) a network of pastors, ministry leaders and marketplace leaders. She travels extensively as a national and international speaker, ministering at various conferences and churches. She is the author of 5 books; has contributed to the Women of Destiny Bible and has been featured on the cover of Charisma magazine as one of the most influential women leaders in the church today.
Barbara has a passion to see the apostolic church restored (Acts 15:16-17) which will cause a harvest to erupt in cities, regions, nations, as well as the kingdom of God to manifest in every sector of society. She is known for her cutting edge apostolic breakthrough anointing infused with prophetic revelation.
Prior to the ministry, Barbara worked in academia.
1. The Cry God Hears, published by Chosen Books
2. The Overcomer’s Anointing, published by Chosen Books
3. The Breaker Anointing, published by Regal Books From Gospel Light
4. God’s Bold Call to Women, published by Regal Books From Gospel Light
5. Taking On Goliath, published by Charisma House, A Strang Company; and
6. A contributor to the Women of Destiny Bible edited by Cindy Jacobs and published by Thomas Nelson Publishers.